Do It Anyway

Carrie Fisher with famous quote to stay afraid but do it anyway.

I’m not typically one for inspirational quotes (unless it’s Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey) but I thought I’d keep this week’s Featured Friday simple, and this quote from Carrie Fisher is one I do practice in my own life. I have spent the majority of my life afraid of the things I want to do but also have a habit (good or bad, who knows) of doing those things anyway, kind of like writing this blog and sending it out into the world.

So, on this day after Thanksgiving, find something that scares you and do it anyway, and . . .

Stay Curious.

A couple disclaimers: I am not a critic. I recommend what I like and talk about it. Also, I do not currently participate in any affiliate programs or get paid to recommend something on Featured Fridays. These are simply things that I enjoy and hope others will enjoy as well. Thanks for reading!


Brotherly Love


Happy Thanksgiving! And A Thanksgiving Floral Arrangement