Lessons in Chemistry

Book cover of Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

You know when you love a book so much, you don’t want it to end? That’s how I felt while I was reading Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. I actually forced myself to slow down because I didn’t want to reach that last page.

If you’re familiar with the book or have read some reviews about it, I probably won’t say anything you haven’t heard before. It’s witty and funny and sad and entertaining. The voice is clear and unique. In fact, if you want to understand what “voice” is in a novel, this book is a great example.

And the characters - who doesn’t love a woman who is unapologetic about the life she wants to lead, a girl who is precocious and as whip-smart as her mother, and a dog who is equally as intelligent and fiercely protective of both (and is named Six-thirty). It’s about a woman who has a love affair with chemistry, who empowers other women with chemistry, and who does her best to love those around her in her unique way.

Lessons in Chemistry is kind of like life itself: sometimes funny, sometimes tragic, but filled with a cast of quirky characters (and dogs) that you learn to love.

With the holiday breaks coming up, I highly recommend it as a holiday read. I hope you’re currently reading a book you love and . . .

Stay Curious.

A couple disclaimers: I am not a critic. I recommend what I like and talk about it. Also, I do not currently participate in any affiliate programs or get paid to recommend something on Featured Fridays. These are simply things that I enjoy and hope others will enjoy as well. Thanks for reading!


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