When New Music Is Nostalgic

Album cover for Nation of Language A Way Forward

I’m not usually one to recommend music because I’m, well, on the older side and not that hip. When I’m in my car I usually put on KCRW and keep it at that. That’s how I found Nation of Language. KCRW had been playing their song “Former Self” often, and the singer’s voice reminded me of something, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Their album, A Way Forward, came out in 2021, but the sound was so nostalgic for me.

When I listened to the whole album, I finally realized their music reminds me of certain bands from the 80s. I swear I am not obsessed with the 80s. Like I said when I was exploring the topic of nostalgia, you couldn’t pay me money to go back there, but sometimes the music can lift my mood.

The first song especially, “In Manhattan,” reminds me so much of Yazoo’s “Only You.” Listening to A Way Forward inspired me down the path of re-listening to not only Yazoo but also other nostalgic music like Erasure and the Eurythmics. And on a day when I wasn’t feeling so great, I started to feel a little better.

But Nation of Language, of course, is not an 80s band. They’re young and they’re current and they’re pretty darn good. No, I never claimed to be a music critic. It’s just an album I like that I thought I’d recommend to you here on this Featured Friday.

Enjoy the (nostalgic) music and…

Stay Curious.


Hector: The Stay Curious Cat


What Is…Taking His Name