Unlikely Animal Friends

Small dog staring at a red dragonfly.

Okay, I have to admit, the title of this post is a little misleading. Cyrus is a part of this post because I promised you cute dogs and not insects, and these two are certainly not friends, no matter how likely or unlikely. In fact, you can see the fear in Cyrus’s eyes (or I can because I know him well).

This Caturday post is about the red dragonfly who was my unlikely animal friend. I know, I know, it’s not very cute, and at first I was as scared of it as Cyrus. But it has visited me often over the past couple of years at times when I needed an unlikely friend. I will have to tell you the whole story at another time, but for now I want to honor its life and the amazing, unlikely ways animals (and yes, even insects) can affect our lives.

RIP Red Dragonfly

And no, Cyrus did not kill it.

Enjoy your Caturday and, like any good Cyrus…

Stay Curious.


Jibaro, The Emmy-Nominated Animated Short I Can’t Stop Watching


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