Bad Mommy Part II


A Message From Cyrus

A small dog sleeping like a human in a human bed.

Somebody — I’m looking at you, Mommy — made me go on a 5 mile hike today. I am so tired that I can’t get out of my most comfortable bed (it is, in fact, Mommy’s bed, not Cyrus’s). I will be sore for a few hours! Today, I agree with Jordi (and he never agrees with Jordi). Mommy is a bad Mommy! (Even though he loooooves hiking with his doggie pals.)

Wait, I think I hear the mail carrier, and the UPS driver, and the Fedex delivery person. I must jump up and run to the front door and bark like the big, intimidating dog that I am! (Cyrus weighs all of twelve pounds.)

Cyrus hopes you enjoy your Caturday not hiking but lying in bed, and…

Stay Curious.

*This post edited by the aforementioned Bad Mommy.


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