A Celebrity Sighting and Legion

TV poster of three heads for the show Legion

Living in Los Angeles, I have the occasional celebrity sighting while I’m out and about. I rarely get excited or approach these celebrities because a) I usually recognize the person as someone I might know but think I must have gone to high school or college with them, and b) They too are people going about their daily business and I’m not inclined to disrupt that. But once in while, there is interaction. One time, while I was sitting on a bench outside of a store with Cyrus, Jared Leto walked out of the store, bent down and petted Cyrus on the head, and then walked away. He didn’t make eye contact with me once, and while I do love Jared Leto from his My So-Called Life days, it is bad dog etiquette to not acknowledge the owner. But no hard feelings, Jared, I get it. Cyrus is cute.

If you’re still reading this, you’re probably thinking, Teresa, what does any of this have to do with the TV show Legion? Legion was a wild, weird, wacky show that aired for three seasons between 2017 and 2019. I loved this show. It was so different from anything I’ve ever seen on TV and has an excellent cast that includes Dan Stevens, Jean Smart, and Aubrey Plaza (yes, The White Lotus Aubrey Plaza, and yes, I have seen her out and about, but this is not about her).

Last week while at one of our favorite local hangouts, I spotted Dan Stevens and I recognized him immediately as the guy from Legion. I blurted out to my husband, “That’s the guy from Legion!” To my utter embarrassment, he seemed to hear me and glanced in our direction but didn’t react. He is also a guy from Downton Abbey—he played Matthew Crawley. Yes, the one who dies at the end of Season 2. When I started watching Legion, I was several episodes in before I yelled at my TV, “OMG, that’s the guy from Downton Abbey!”

You see, part of the reason I’m such a big fan of Legion is because of the acting. And any actor who so thoroughly disappears into a role after being on one of the most famous shows around is one good actor.

My ultimate point? The only time I have ever approached a celebrity in my life was last week. His group ended up right next to us. I casually reached over and asked if he was from Legion and complimented him on his acting. He was very gracious and thanked me.

And that was it. The one time in my life I will ever actually act on a celebrity sighting. It was very pleasant.

Now, go find out where you can watch Legion to become a dorky fan like me, and . . .

Stay Curious.

A couple disclaimers: I am not a critic. I recommend what I like and talk about it. Also, I do not currently participate in any affiliate programs or get paid to recommend something on Featured Fridays. These are simply things that I enjoy and hope others will enjoy as well. Thanks for reading!


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