A NYT Opinion Piece on Maternal Instinct


Image by serrano1004 from Pixabay


It’s true that the topic of maternal instinct is probably better suited to my What Is… series, but this week’s opinion piece in the New York Times by Chelsea Conaboy on the subject is way more thorough and intelligent on the topic than I could ever be. So, I’m recommending it here, on Featured Fridays.

The gist of the article, as the title states (“Maternal Instinct Is a Myth that Man Created”), is that the idea of maternal instinct is a myth, and that myth was created by men for whom it benefits. There is no scientific proof that maternal instinct is embedded in the female biology. To quote the piece:

“New research on the parental brain makes clear that the idea of maternal instinct as something innate, automatic and distinctly female is a myth, one that has stuck despite the best efforts of feminists to debunk it from the moment it entered public discourse.”

A few months ago, I was at a wedding. The couple is young and does want children. A man at my table made a joke about how the bride, of course, will want children ASAP because, and then he winked at me, we (meaning men) know what all women want (i.e. babies). I faked a smile but cringed on the inside.

I am not a mom. I am childless by choice. I have never felt that strong urge to be a mother. And yet, men (and some women) constantly assume I must be secretly yearning to have a baby. I can tell you, I have never secretly yearned to have a baby, but the true secret is that I have often felt the need to keep it a secret. Why have I felt that? Because of how society views women who don’t possess that “maternal instinct.”

Well, now, thanks to Chelsea Conaboy and her article, I have proof that, apart from popular belief, not having an innate need to procreate is probably the most natural thing about me.

Happy reading and…

Stay Curious.

A couple disclaimers: I am not a critic. I recommend what I like and talk about it. Also, I do not currently participate in any affiliate programs or get paid to recommend something on Featured Fridays. These are simply things that I enjoy and hope others will enjoy as well. Thanks for reading!


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