Nooks and Crannies

Cat hiding in between pillows.

Like most cats, Jordi loves squeezing into all nooks and crannies. If the weather is particular nasty, he likes those nooks and crannies to be soft and warm (this from a cat who used to live out in the cold!). One of his favorite spots during the day when no one else is on it is our bed. When I can’t find him around the house, I look in between and under blankets and pillows.

On this day, he had curled himself up in the four corners of pillows. He was as snug as a bug (why that’s a saying, I’m not sure—how are bugs snug?).

Now that it’s April, hopefully the weather is warming up where you are, but if you’re experiencing showers, find yourself a nook or a cranny to stay warm in, and . . .

Stay Curious.


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