What Is . . . Obsession?


Image by Johanna Pakkala from Pixabay


According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of obsession is as follows:


ob·​ses·​sion äb-ˈse-shən 

  • a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling

The word “obsession” always seems to have a negative connotation. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary includes the word “disturbing” in its definition, and movies like Fatal Attraction or TV shows like You fulfill that idea. But I like to keep things on this blog on the lighter side (usually), and I find that sometimes I get obsessed with things that aren’t negative at all.

I mean, some people would argue that I’m obsessed with my pets. And, well, yes, I guess I am. But they are adorable, and I get nothing but positive things from that obsession, like unconditional love and lots of snuggles (although sometimes it includes scooping poop and cleaning up hairballs).

Other obsessions I’ve had may not be great for my bank account, but they’ve added some style and beauty to my life. For instance, I’ve loved Clare V. handbags for years now for their quality, simplicity, and great colors. Luckily I live in Los Angeles, where her company is headquartered, and can go to the sample sales from time to time, which hurts my account a little less.

Currently, I’m fascinated with unusual gemstones. Did you know that there are periwinkle sapphires and tanzanites? I had no idea you could find periwinkle in a natural stone—check out this ring from Audry Rose. I find it absolutely stunning (but beyond my budget). I also just discovered teal sapphires. They’re actually called Montana sapphires and they look like they came from the ocean, like this one from Aurora Designer. Who knew? I certainly didn’t! And then there’s my current favorite jewelry designer, German Kabirski. I think his jewelry looks like small pieces of contemporary art.

As someone who owns an online jewelry store, I figure my obsession with jewelry isn’t a bad thing. It’s knowing the industry! It’s research! And when I do actually buy a piece I’ve been dreaming about, it’s a whole lot of fun to get in the mail and be able to wear it.

Some might even say that this blog is really about the things I’m obsessed with, which is another way of saying the things I’m very, very curious about. And you know how I feel about curiosity.

So, go ahead and indulge that obsession—just don’t step over the line and into Merriam-Webster’s disturbing definition of it. And, as always . . .

Stay Curious.


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