Rain, Rain, Go Away

Orange cat sleeping on striped comforter

There’s been a lot of stormy weather all across the country this past week, and here in California that has meant a whole lot of rain. Actually, it has also meant snow—did you see the photo of the Hollywood Sign covered in snow? But I digress, because this post is about Jordi and how he wants nothing more than the rain to go away. Or at least the cold.

Much like his brother from another mother, aka Cyrus, Jordi tends to hide under blankets and, if he can’t do that, he just hides his face. I, of course, think all this hiding is super cute.

It is, however, a lot of hiding for a cat that used to live outside in the rain without any blankets at all. I guess he’s getting soft in his life as a housecat.

So, if it’s still raining or snowing or storming wherever you are on this Caturday, stay warm, find a nice blanket to hide your face in, and . . .

Stay Curious.


Yellow Pom Poms


What Is . . . Obsession?