Succession: The Family We Love to Hate

Poster for the TV show Succession

I’ve said it on this blog more than once: I’m no critic and I don’t try to be one. And when it comes to Succession, you can find plenty of critics who have plenty to say. What I will say is that I watch a lot of TV, but I can count on one hand the number of shows that are my absolute favorites. Succession is one of those shows.

Watching the way these ultra-rich characters live and how they manipulate each other is both fascinating and entertaining. I know many people complain that none of the characters are likable, but I would actually disagree. Well, not entirely disagree. It’s true—they all do really awful, despicable things and the way they treat each other is appalling. But it’s also a show about four kids who just really want their father to love them, and he treats them so badly that you almost, almost feel bad for them. I know, they’re all very wealthy adults who really shouldn’t have anything to complain about and could just leave the family behind if they wanted to, but where’s the fun in that? ‘Cause this show is funny and terrifying and entertaining as hell.

So, if you want to watch the family we love to hate and hate to love, and be entertained, spend this weekend catching up on Succession, and if not . . .

Stay Curious.

A couple disclaimers: I am not a critic. I recommend what I like and talk about it. Also, I do not currently participate in any affiliate programs or get paid to recommend something on Featured Fridays. These are simply things that I enjoy and hope others will enjoy as well. Thanks for reading!


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