What Is . . . Knowing When to Take a Break

In early 2023, it looked like this was going to be my year. A year of productivity and lots of writing and many good things to come. Life was looking up. But if you follow this blog at all, you know that I haven’t posted since the end of April, right around my birthday. The short version of why I stopped the productivity and the writing and feeling only good omens is that I needed to take a break. From everything.

The slightly longer version is that sometimes life dumps a ridiculous amount of crap on your head with no warning and that stops you in your tracks. In this society, particularly American society, we’re taught to be strong and power through all of the heavy stuff that is weighing us down. After all, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? Or we’re told to practice self-care and be kind to ourselves. But what does that really mean? A glass of wine in a warm bath? Well, yes, it does mean that, but when hard things happen, a warm bath and a glass of wine do nothing to push through the darkness. So, what then?

The truth is: We all have our limits. We all have those moments when we can’t break through the ton of bricks pressing down us. And the only answer is knowing when to take a break. That it’s okay to take break. That sometimes you need to rest to gather your strength. It’s not weakness; it’s necessary.

So, I stopped. Because I had to. Because I needed that time. I needed a break from being a productive person in the world. I needed to cry on the floor and drink a little too much (not in the bath) and shop online too much and take three hour naps. Yes, I said three hours. Because that’s what I needed and, honestly, occasionally still need. And that’s okay. Because now I’m a little stronger and more clearheaded and able to be productive again, albeit for shorter periods of time.

It was the rest, the taking the break, that has made me stronger, not the powering through. But I guess that does mean: What doesn’t kill us can make us stronger.

So, if you’re going through a hard time but feel like you have a million responsibilities on your shoulders, take that break anyway. Those other things can wait. Your health cannot.

And, as always . . .

Stay Curious.


You Hurt My Feelings


The Color of Summer 2023